Retail Inspection
Importance of being ready



Auchan in Portugal is one of the pioneers in the modern large area retail, with distribution activities since 1970 and with 35 Stores National wide Always committed to be a changing retailer in a changing world, their ambition is to meet today’s purchase- and health-conscious omni-channel consumers, with the goal of bringing change to their lives!

Pro-Inspector supported the “Customer POV” initiative, allowing the store manager to have a global point of view (POV) through the eyes of a costumer walking along the corridors and each department inside a store, spotting non-conformities and improving points.


Auchan wanted to have a customer perspective on his visit to Auchan large area retail store, without the need for direct surveys to the customer that sometimes can be annoying and almost became harassment.
They wanted to create a internal process to register Customer POV, on a strore walkthrough.

This process of store walkthrough needed to be fast and spot non-conformities and improving points to be immediately handled by each department.
By using a mobile device with a standard checklist, they wanted to register everything with evidences (photos with metadata timestamp), getting periodic audit reports and a Day/Week/Month/Quarter overall view to address trends and global actions to be implemented throw-out the Store’s network.

Our Approach

The Results

Auchan has now documented evidences of what happening on their daily activity by Customer POV, without harassing the customers, with everything online and available to follow-up, trace and to be assessed for further improving.

Do you want to know what we can do for your company