Cloud Services
The average business today uses up to six different cloud solutions in order to meet an ever-growing list of needs.

Cloud Service

Shift your on Premises Data to Cloud without any hassles and capitalize on its Numerous Advantages.

Global enterprises become intuitively digital by using the cloud as part of a foundation to derive new insights, unlock new opportunities and build new models for creating richer, more meaningful customer experiences. The benefits of being on the cloud are numerous including flexibility, low maintenance and sustainability. Already a great saver to big corporations, the trend is soon catching up with the smaller ones but with the usage varying. 


At SHLOKLABS, we began offering Cloud services right about the time when the bigger players began their battle to rule the cloud. Our proficiency and expertise is apparent across the two major technology streams – Amazon Web Services and Azure. we provide digital, innovative and secure infrastructures, adapted to professionals, startups, small and large companies and large accounts.

Cloud Expertise


Recent Case Study

We bridge the gap between technology & innovation